Find out what your peers really think
The Reality Exchange (TReX™) is a "vendor free" forum which allows individuals who are responsible for their organisation's IT, infrastructure or operations to share their views on common areas of pain, fixes, use cases and vendors, in a "badges off" environment.
The group usually meets face to face two or three times a year and is always hosted at a member's office. There are also polls and conference calls to discuss topics between the meetings. Anonymised minutes are issued after each meeting.
The founders are CTOs or heads of infrastructure, engineering or service delivery from Global 100 companies from banking, insurance, telecoms, mobile, pharmaceutical, and media. This cross industry group also includes gaming, FMCG and retail organisations.
How does the Reality Exchange work?
The forum is based on the Chatham House Rule – so what gets discussed in the room, stays in the room. It gives members license to actively challenge each other and share current, peer-referenceable information to help them avoid mistakes and make the correct decisions for their company.
Many of the current members are not Avanade clients.
There is no fee to join but, once accepted, members must contribute and play an active role within the forum and comply with the Founders' Charter.