NISSIN FOODS Group improves operational efficiency with interactive chat app using generative AI

Achieving what matters

NISSIN FOODS Group is boosting employee productivity and efficiency. The company‘s NISSIN AIchat solution – an interactive application powered by GPT-4 generative AI technology – is enhancing the way 4,000 employees engage with digital tools, offering capabilities such as text summarization, English translation, role-playing business negotiations and generating proposal ideas. Leaders expect it will help sales reps save up to 400 working hours per year while expanding their skills.

Inspiring change

As part of its growth strategy, NISSIN FOODS Group is promoting initiatives to transform its business model beyond pure digitalization. Management is committed to adopting new technologies and changing how people work to become a global company. When GPT-4, a generative AI solution, was released, they saw its potential to improve employee productivity and decided to develop a chat solution using Microsoft Azure OpenAI for internal deployment.

For the user interface, leaders wanted to develop a low-code application using Microsoft Power Platform and partnered with us to help implement it.

Driving innovation 

We supported NISSIN FOODS Group in launching the interactive AIchat application using Power Apps and generative AI. The team prioritized a user-friendly interface, opting for low-code, high-speed development. The tool is available to users across the company and is contributing to the standardization and equalization of skills and know-how for both new and experienced employees, especially those in the sales department. 

Now, the way employees gather information is changing. They’re using AIchat to ask questions first and then searching the web to corroborate the information. Leaders are interested in the ways AI will change the way they do business and have expressed a strong will within the company to explore further use cases. 

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