IRC case workers use new payment app to speed assistance for refugees

Business Situation

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that serves clients in need during times of crisis or conflict. It helps to educate communities, children and adults with digital literacy, and also resettles people in new locations to help them get back on their feet. Digital transformation has become increasingly important to the IRC as it continues to grow and needs real-time visibility to data across the world.

The IRC found an opportunity to improve the process of providing direct financial assistance to help resettle refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. For its new request process, it needed a simpler interface for case workers and others to use who may not be experienced in accounting.

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Avanade helped the IRC build a new portal where users can enter information using a mobile app on a phone or tablet to request a payment rather than having to go into the ERP system. This will allow case workers to more quickly service refugees and increase payment requests for more people.


By delivering funds to those in need more quickly and efficiently, the IRC is bettering its ability to serve a larger range of people and making things easier for its beneficiaries as they try to recover from a difficult situation.

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