

March 2014

3 articles


Inclusion and Diversity

World travel: the best way to get culturally competent

Posted by Avanade News on March 25, 2014

This is a guest blog post written by Avanade alum, Eddie Pate. I think a lot about being culturally competent, which essentially means having the capacity to function effectively within the context of multiple cultural beliefs, behaviors and needs. I also spend a lot of time helping others understand what it means and takes to be culturally compete...


Women at Avanade

International Women’s Day 2014 in London with Dame Stephanie Shirley

Posted by Avanade News on March 19, 2014

This is a guest blog post written by Avanade alum, Vikki Leach. Here at Avanade, we love to celebrate International Women’s Day.  It is a chance to celebrate all the great work and processes we put in place as a business to better support women in this male-dominated organization.  It is an opportunity to demonstrate to women that “you can climb t...


Avanade Spotlight

Avanade outreach programme spotlights careers in tech

Posted by Julian Tomison on March 5, 2014

Do young people have the wrong idea of what it’s like to work in a technology role? Maybe they just haven’t had the opportunity to get a peek at what it could be like working at a technology company like Avanade. We feel that there are some negative impressions out there and we want to change that with our Outreach Programme. The Avanade Outreach ...


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