
Workplace Experience — Episode 2: Securing the future of work

The pressure is on organizations to be more secure than ever. But is that having a detrimental effect on people’s work?

The second episode of our podcast series, Workplace Experience, focuses on security and the relationship employees have with it, what people want from today’s work, and how businesses can enable it.

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Stanley Louw 

Stanley Louw
UK head of digital workplace experience and innovation, Avanade

Stanley leads Digital Workplace Experience and Innovation in the UK, where he assists industry leaders with navigating the increasing pace of change by focusing on digital disruption in the workplace, employee-centricity and innovation.

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Dave Coplin
The Envisioners, CEO

For over 25 years, Dave has provided strategic advice and guidance around the impact of technology on a modern society in order to help organizations and individuals envision the full potential that technology has to offer. He is an established author and public speaker on topics surrounding the future of work and our relationship with technology.

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