
The Healthcare Readmission Challenge and the Need for a Holistic Approach

Hospital readmissions are a known key quality of care indicator. Preventable rehospitalisations of the nation’s seniors continue to be a persistent health and financial challenge for the U.S. costing hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

Various analyses have found many readmissions within a month of discharge might have been avoided through better care and more attention paid to the patients after leaving the hospital. Addressing the issue of potentially avoidable readmissions requires a holistic approach that includes process, people, and technology improvements across the continuum of care.

  • What role does remote patient monitoring play in improving quality of life and containing costs?
  • How can discharge planning, proactive coordination, and personalised communications enable better care?
  • What impact do virtual visits have on patients?

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Marianne-fanning Bio

Healthcare Advisory Lead Avanade


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