Rethink how to drive business value from the Microsoft cloud
6 critical factors to power cloud success.
What made firms successful in the past is now holding them back. Businesses must respond in new ways to survive and thrive against startups and other industry disruptions.
They need to be prepared for anything, and shaped to adapt and evolve: They need to embrace continual change. It isn’t just your established systems that are tied to the old ways of doing business. Your people are too. They must support the legacy technologies, as well as established systems and business processes. You may need them to create new products, services and business models, but they already have full-time jobs and you need them to do those jobs too, at least for now.
Avanade helps companies liberate their talent using proven agile and DevOps approaches for software product engineering. Adopting these practices positions you to be prepared for anything as you Rethink your path to growth.
“IT used to be the bottleneck on anything that needed to get done. Since working with Avanade, we have a track record of meeting business needs. IT is now an asset that gives the business confidence to explore opportunities.”
The Avanade Modern Engineering Platform (MEP) underpins the approach Avanade uses to develop and manage software solutions. The MEP incorporates many of the tool sets available either from Microsoft or the Microsoft technology ecosystem, including open source. It is an industrialized and intelligent platform for developing, maintaining and operating liquid applications across connected ecosystems.
A company that wants to adopt DevOps or expand an existing DevOps process needs to know where to begin and which low-hanging fruit to reach for. The answers depend, of course, on the company’s current state of DevOps implementation.
Implementing change on this scale can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Avanade has guided many companies through adoption and enhancement of DevOps in particular and modern engineering more broadly.
Learn more about how Avanade Advisory can help you unlock the benefits of digital transformation through modern engineering.
Doing DevOps right unlocks the benefits of digital transformation.
Here’s how Avanade’s clients benefit from our modern software engineering experience: