Jennifer Yunxiang Li shares how we're encouraging open mental health conversations in the workplace.
Three Avanade colleagues share their stories to mark Lesbian Visibility Day, which takes place annually on April 26.
Experience Design and Product Management Lead for Canada, Dan Barmasch talks about why he thinks gratitude is an important part of leadership, and how, by being grateful, we can build deeper, more trusting relationships and a more inclusive community.
Peter Ehrlich writes about creating Avanade Radio to keep people connected while working from home.
When work went virtual, Mishel Justesen took it upon herself to encourage mindfulness at Avanade.
Get a glimpse of infrastructure consulting manager John Pryes’ life at Avanade in this Q&A blog.
Avanade employees from across Australia teamed up with charity partner, OzHarvest, to learn about food wastage and how this food can be put to good use feeding those in need.
The following blog post was written by Avanade alum Adele Rowan. I recently had the privilege of working with a mentor through Avanade’s mentoring program. My mentor was also the co-chair of Avanade Australia’s Diversity and Inclusion committee. This relationship opened many doors for me, including the opportunity to lead Australia’s Cultural Aware...