
Systembolaget business intelligence engagement​

Business Situation

In 2008, the company decided to overhaul its business intelligence (BI) system, with the goal of being more responsive and flexible to business needs by using more timely and detailed data, and ultimately offer a better customer service.​

Systembolaget AB

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Accenture and Avanade teamed up with Systembolaget AB to shape an Enterprise Data Warehouse and BI platform. The implementation of the new EDW and BI Solution is based on Microsoft technology and is based on a phased approach. The first phase was about establishing the platform, integrating master data and sales data which went live early 2010. This is based on item-level data from POS which is uploaded to the EDW once a day. The solution is prepared for “Real-Time” BI where POS transactions are posted to the BI system when occur. The second phase was about financial data and performance management, with a third-party planning tool, and went live late 2010. The third phase, Supply chain, is underway, which also will introduce SharePoint Server 2010 as the frontend for a selected user group of managers and analysts. SharePoint as a solution component has been validated in a Proof of Concept and the development of this solution is expected start early 2011.​


  • Better business insight via one information platform for reporting and analysis with one version of truth.
  • Increased insight and control over operations with the ability of advanced analysis down to a very detailed level based on up-to-date POS data.
  • A flexible, extendible and cost-effective application architecture.​

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