
Business Situation

Staking its reputation on keeping client data safe and secure, Avanade wanted a solution that would strengthen and streamline insider risk processes by supporting collaboration between HR, legal and IT security teams. It needed a technology that it could roll out easily to respond to risks quickly.

“We use Insider Risk Management to introduce just enough friction to safeguard data, but not enough to impact productivity. And employees appreciate interventions that stop mistakes.”

Bob Bruns Chief Information and Security Officer, Avanade


We activated Microsoft Insider Risk Management, a compliance and data security solution in Microsoft 365, to minimise internal data-handling risks. A change enablement strategy was created to help employees understand best practices and proactively stop mistakes and prevent data misuse. Insider Risk Management is now used across our full Microsoft application environment.


  • A seamless, easily managed insider risk profile for more effective data and asset management
  • Greater transparency to help unify teams from across the company who provide crucial guidance on practices and policies
  • Potential data misuse prevention while preserving productivity and a collaborative culture

Find out more about how you can achieve digital success with a holistic security solution.

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