
Nous répondons aux 10 questions les plus importantes concernant Windows 10 dans la mise en place d'un milieu de travail numérique.

1. Pourquoi Windows 10 est-il important pour la transition de mon milieu de travail vers un environnement numérique?

Un milieu de travail numérique est un environnement social, mobile, toujours prêt et guidé par les données permettant d'accroître l'efficacité des employés, d'améliorer le rendement et servant de catalyseur à l'innovation.

  • Windows 10 est un facteur crucial pour la mise en place d'un milieu de travail numérique et permet aux utilisateurs d'être plus productifs grâce à des fonctions innovantes telles que le multitâche intelligent, les applications universelles multidispositifs et l'assistant personnel et navigateur de connaissances : Cortana.
  • Windows 10 offrent plusieurs scénarios de travail sur une vaste gamme d'appareils, depuis les grands écrans pour les présentations jusqu'aux écrans plus petits des téléphones intelligents. Conçu pour minimiser les problèmes de compatibilité entre les applications, il simplifie la gestion et le déploiement et aide à mieux protéger les données de votre entreprise.

2. Pourquoi devrais-je passer à Windows 10 pour mettre en place un espace de travail numérique?

Les entreprises ont besoin aujourd'hui d'une plateforme moderne pour leurs appareils numériques, leurs communications et leurs données, servant de base à un milieu de travail numérique de haut rendement. Une véritable plateforme de travail numérique accroît la vitesse et la souplesse de vos systèmes informatiques, pour assurer une réponse rapide aux changements organisationnels, améliorer la durée de disponibilité et réduire les coûts.

  • Windows 10 permet d'augmenter la productivité de votre espace de travail grâce à des innovations mobiles et de productivité et des fonctions de sécurité, d'identification et de protection des données tout en conservant une expérience d'utilisation familière.
  • La gestion et le déploiement simplifiés de Windows 10 permet de réduire les coûts.
  • En résumé, Windows 10 offre une plateforme multi-applications, un modèle de sécurité unique et une approche de gestion et de déploiement unifiée, avec une expérience d'utilisation similaire sur tous les appareils, pour une utilisation simplifiée et une efficacité et une productivité accrues.

10. How can Avanade help?

Avanade is at the forefront of leveraging new technologies like Windows 10 and the intelligent context offered by Office Graph to drive real business value for our clients. It’s key to look at Windows 10 as an opportunity to holistically review your workplace and understand how best to maximize your existing investments while leveraging Windows 10’s new features and capabilities.

  • Avanade offers a digital workplace workshop and assessments, which bring key stakeholders into targeted discussions, to help better understand business goals, share the journeys of other leading organizations, and showcase the power of the possible including live demos of capabilities available today.
  • It allows you to jointly explore how a digital workplace can help you achieve your goals and to better understand your existing environment and gaps that may need to be filled.
Point De Vue

Windows 10 permet la mise en place d'un milieu de travail numérique de haut rendement

Tout commence avec une solide plateforme de travail numérique.

3. Comment Windows 10 améliore-t-il la sécurité de mon milieu de travail numérique?

Windows 10 permet la mise en place d'un milieu de travail numérique de haut rendement grâce à une utilisation améliorée et plus sécuritaire pour vos utilisateurs.

  • Windows 10 permet de réduire les risques au sein de votre milieu de travail numérique et offre une protection améliorée avec plusieurs niveaux de sécurité visant à protéger avant tout vos appareils, vos données et l'identité des utilisateurs.
  • Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Windows 10 (notamment la mise à jour de la protection de périphérique et Windows Hello) facilitent la gestion et le déploiement des méthodes d'authentification multiple, restreignent l'utilisation d'applications non autorisées et permettent aux utilisateurs de naviguer et de partager les données entre plusieurs appareils et de manière collaborative en bénéficiant d'une sécurité renforcée.

4. What features does Windows 10 provide to address concerns of business and personal applications and data on BYOD (bring your own device)?

A high-performance digital workplace takes into account employees’ new ways of working and the intersection of work and home environments.

  • Windows 10 provides built-in data containerization to separate out business and personal applications and data while also allowing easier provisioning and enrollment of personal BYOD devices through a new cloud provisioning process.
  • Users can bring and self-manage a wider variety of devices to solve their key business challenges through new self-service and device enrollment options, better device health attestation, and less intrusive device wipes in the event of device theft or employee termination. This is especially true when managed via InTune Enterprise Mobility Suite.

5. What are the key Windows 10 migration considerations to take into account?

Don’t look at Windows 10 as just another operating system upgrade. To really take advantage of what Windows 10 can do to help drive your digital workplace vision, consider your workplace infrastructure holistically:

  • Review BYOD, self-service and application/service deployment models, consider current and future device plans, user data and interoperability, and look to workforce scenarios with the greatest impact on employee engagement (sales, customer service, field service, etc.).
  • Update self-service options to take advantage of new features such as Windows Store for Business and deployment through integrated technologies such as Office 365 and Enterprise Mobility Suite.
  • Identify opportunities for business application transformation: Select applications with the best potential return on investment to be optimized for Windows 10.
  • Proactively test applications: Start evaluating right away your current applications and websites for compatibility with Windows 10, the new Edge browser, and Internet Explorer 11 which provides compatibility options for legacy applications.

6. How does Windows 10 enable my field service workforce?

Windows 10, as an enabler of the digital workplace, delivers innovative solutions and features responding to the needs of field workers. These features include closing tickets faster, reducing the need for follow-up visits, increase employee and customer satisfaction, as well as being mobile and interacting hands-free with devices.

  • For instance, Windows 10 Cortana is a cross-device digital assistant accessed via talking or typing. It leverages intelligent context to surface rich information, send and dictate emails, launch apps and query complex data. It learns preferences over time to provide relevant recommendations, fast access to information, important reminders for appointments and suggestions for things you do routinely.
  • Cortana, coupled with the new Microsoft browser Edge, delivers new capabilities to deliver business information faster in the field. It offers quick results and content based on your interests and preferences.
  • Microsoft HoloLens, when available, can be used by a field worker to project a schematic of a machine he or she is working on and share voice and video hands-free with experts from headquarters to help solve issues more quickly and safely.

7. How does Windows 10 enable my salesforce?

Companies are challenged to increase salesforce task productivity, reduce time to competency, increase direct sales and revenue, and increase customer-facing time. Time management and adaptability are key components to deliver those results.

  • Windows 10 provides the ability to utilize smart phone for tasks traditionally requiring a PC. With the Windows Continuum feature they can project presentations from their smart phones on to a large screen. It also enables laptops and 2-1 devices such as detachable or hybrid computers to transform from one factor to the other, enabling smooth transitions of your tablet into a PC and back.
  • For instance, if the salesperson is running a mobile version of Excel on her phone, the application can automatically resize and transform into a keyboard and mouse-friendly version for use on a bigger screen when connected to a keyboard. The salesperson’s phone can power a full-size screen and emulate a PC experience to reduce cost and increase productivity.

8. How do I work and collaborate better with Windows 10?

The digital workplace empowers collaboration and leverages consumer, mobile and social technologies to drive high performance with improved business outcomes, greater competitive advantage, increased productivity, reduced cost and faster innovation. Communications and collaboration coupled with analytics and mobile are the core of digital workplace user services.

  • Windows 10 enables a superior communications and collaboration experience for employees. For instance, Windows 10 offers Office on Windows, which features new universal Windows applications for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. This provides a consistent, touch first experience across a range of devices to increase productivity and supports content sync via OneDrive.
  • In addition, Cortana integrates with Office 365. It proactively helps prepare for an upcoming meeting by providing helpful information about people and recent documents pertaining to the meeting.
  • Microsoft Surface Hub, when released, will combine a customized version of Windows 10, collaboration apps and large high-resolution displays to make collaboration sessions and meetings more productive.

9. Will upgrading to Windows 10 be a significant undertaking?

Windows 10 will most likely be faster to test and deploy than was Windows 7 or 8. Windows 10 has nearly identical hardware and similar software compatibility requirements. But, it is crucial to think outside the standard OS refresh and look at your workplace holistically.

  • With its powerful new features, Windows 10 provides many new opportunities to improve workforce productivity, and increase security while empowering self-service options and provide better employee experiences.
  • However, implementing Windows 10 to create a truly high-performance digital workplace is more complicated in some ways due to all the new associated integration points. It may be one of the most important endeavors to further your digital workplace vision and you need to ensure you do it right.
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